- 07 Mar 2025
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Manage Stations & Station Groups
- Updated on 07 Mar 2025
- 2 Minutes to read
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A station group is a set of stations across manufacturing lines with the same purpose and identical model. This setup allows for aggregate management of models and data produced by identical stations, facilitating easy scaling. A station group is associated with a dataset to which the captured data is added. Refer to the Overview of Inspection Studio topic for more details.
This article explains how to create and manage stations under a station group and how to analyze the station data.
Create Station Groups
Once you have created a line for the factory, you can add one or more stations as needed. Each station must be hosted under a station group, so create a station group before creating a station for the line.
On the Inspection Studio screen, click the Station Groups icon on the left navigation panel.
In the Station Groups window, enter Name and Description for the group.
Select the Model Type. This is the type of model that would be used for inference on the particular station group. A specific type will result in catalog views appropriate for that type to be created on the dataset automatically.
Object Detection
To keep track of defect metrics, you need to identify the class names that represent good(Non defect) classes. Enter keywords for the Good Classes and press Enter or click the Add option.
Click Save to create the station group.
You can now create a station and assign it to a Station Group.
Manage Station Groups
Once you have created a station group, you can perform various activities to manage the group as needed.
In the left navigation pane, click the Station Groups icon, and locate the Station Group card.
Edit Station Group
Click the 3-dots icon, and click Edit to make any changes to the station group.
Alternatively, click the View button at the bottom of the card.
In the Station Group screen, click the Edit option (the pen icon) on the top-right corner.
Make the required changes, and click Save to save the Station Group.
Attach/Detach Dataset
A station group should be associated with a dataset where the captured images of that station group are uploaded into.
Click the 3-dots icon, and click Attach Dataset.
Alternatively, click the View button at the bottom of the card.
In the Station Group screen, click the arrow head adjacent to the Dataset option and select Attach Dataset.
Select the datasaet, and click Attach.
The selected dataset gets attached to the Station Group. In addition, the Dashboard starts displaying the health of each station attached to the dataset, for the factories created.
You can remove the dataset from the group anytime by selecting the Detach Dataset option.
Add/Remove Stations
In case you have removed a station earlier from any Station Group, you can add those stations to the Station Group.
Click the 3-dots icon, and click Add Station.
Alternatively, click the View button at the bottom of the card.
In the Station Group screen, click the +Add Station button appearing on the top-right corner.
In the Add Station window, select the station available to be added, and click Add.
The selected station gets added to the Station Group.
You can remove the station from the group anytime by selecting the Remove Station option.
Add/Delete Station Group
Click the +Add Station Group button on the top-right corner to add a new station group.
Click the 3-dots icon for a group, and click delete to delete the Station Group from the factory line.