Run a generation session
  • 25 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Run a generation session

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Article summary

Once you have reviewed the preview session results and are ready to synthesize the images, you can proceed with generating the session. In this session, the images are synthesized based on the defined concepts.

The previous topic lists the steps to reviewing a preview session.

To generate the session on the required background images:

  1. In the Datagen Projects screen, on the project card, click View.

  2. Under Generations, click the Generate button.

  3. In the Generate Session window, enter Name and Description for the session, for easy reference.

  4. Select the relevant Background Images.

    1. In the Query Catalog window, select the Dataset and Table/View.

    2. Enter the number of background images needed—for example, 50.

    3. Provide additional conditions, such as Column, Operation, and Values, to query the catalog for relevant images.

    4. Click Submit Query.
      The Background Images screen appears, displaying all the images that match the conditions.

  5. Click Add to add the background images.

  6. Click the Generate Session button to start the generation session in the Generate Session window.

    Preview generation

    It will take up to 72 hours to generate the session. Once the session is ready, you can review the image files and download them

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