- 28 Jul 2023
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- Updated on 28 Jul 2023
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Release 1.12.103 (Maintenance release) - July 28, 2023
- Text search performance improvements.
- Fix for bug with the thumbnail panel not showing a scroll bar on high-resolution displays in certain cases.
Release 1.12.99 - July 13, 2023
- Data View: In the SELECTION panel, an alternate thumbnail-driven representation of the plot view contents called the 'Data View' is provided. You can access the 'Data View' by clicking the highlighted button on the top right group of action buttons.
The 'Data View' presents thumbnails organized into groups as below based on the selected grouping criteria. Clicking on the highlighted button in the top right group of action buttons puts the view back into plot view mode. The filters, tunables, and catalog refine conditions take effect on both views simultaneously.
- Text search enhancements
- The presence of text search support for a job is indicated with the following icon.
- Support for search space reduction filters in text search
- The presence of text search support for a job is indicated with the following icon.
- Other enhancements
- Support for text search in BDD100K-Image public dataset. If this dataset has already been imported, please delete and re-import the public dataset to get text search capability.
- On a dataset, if two visualization jobs with the same input and the same parameters are created, then the plot view visualization will be the same.
- Counts of the number of images/frames/sequences that are in context and their breakup across different groups are presented in the 'Plot view' and 'Data view' of the SELECTION tab highlighted below.
- The filename and relative timestamp of the frame within the file(for video datasets) are shown on the hover card in 'Plot view' and under the 'Catalog Tags' action button on thumbnails.
- Bug fixes
- In certain corner cases, when filters and/or tunables are applied, the search results showed the wrong thumbnail that mismatches with the image returned by the search results.
- Patch search failures in certain cases where more than 1000 results are requested over a large search space with more than 100K points.
- Failure to fetch bounding boxes on a resultset with a large number(>50K) of points.
- Failure in YOLO object detector-based pipelines in cases where many images(>1500) had no object detected.
- UI issue in full resolution view where successive images shifted a bit on the screen.
Release 1.12.65 - June 16, 2023
- Text prompt search: This release introduces free-form text-based search to complement advanced visual search capabilities like patch search and full object search. Please read the article to know more.
- Dynamic IOU and confidence bins: For analyze jobs, a dynamic range of IOU and confidence bins for analyze statistics computation can be provided when the job is submitted. E.g., if the analysis is on a mature model, then a range of values like (0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.97) where the ranges are more fine-grained towards higher values, maybe more relevant compared to uniformly dividing the 0-1 range.
- Search space reduction is available as a control independent of the settings in the 'SELECTION' tab.
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