Import external features
  • 21 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Import external features

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Article summary

If you have the image features (embeddings) generated from a featurizer outside of Data Explorer, you can import the features in CSV format to the Import catalog. You can use the imported features for creating the visualization jobs.

  1. On the catalog page, click the 3-dots icon, and click Import Catalog.

  2. In the Import Files screen, enter a Table Name.
    The table name can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores and must start with a letter.

  3. Select File Type as Features.

    Click the question icon adjacent to the field to understand the import feature specifications.

  4. Enter the Import Identifier: This is optional.
    The identifier value will be added to each row of the imported table and can be used to identify the related set of rows across two separate imports.

  5. Enter a value for No. of features. You can add a value from 2 to 10000.

  6. Enter a value from 1 to 100 for Grid Size.

  7. Click Select Files to browse to the folder location.

    You can also drag and drop the images to this location.

  8. Click Preview to view the import view.

  9. Once you have checked the preview, click Upload to upload the file for import.

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