Type mappings
  • 21 Dec 2024
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Type mappings

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Article summary

Type mapping allows an existing column in the catalog table with a basic type to be mapped (cast) to a higher-level type provided by Data Explorer. Let us consider a catalog table with a float type of column named 'confidence' that stores the prediction confidence produced by an inference model. This column can be mapped to a new column of a higher-level type provided by Data Explorer named 'AKD_ConfidenceScore'. The higher-level type enables a few additional capabilities, as follows:

  • The query results are validated to have values between 0 and 1.
  • The type can be used to define higher-level types like 'boundingbox2dpred' that represent a prediction from an object detection model consisting of a bounding box, prediction class, and prediction confidence.

Refer to the Create View page to initiate the view creation wizard. 

In the Create View wizard, a type mapping is available as the second step, as shown below.

Add type mapping

  1. In the Create View wizard, click the Add Type Mapping button at top right.
  2. Select the Type to be mapped to from the drop-down list, as shown below.
  3. In the Column Name drop-down list, select the column name that must be mapped to the target type.
    Only the columns with an eligible type for the chosen target type are presented in the drop-down list.
  4. Edit the Mapped Column Name, if needed.
    This field is auto-filled with a unique name.
  5. Click the (plus) button to add more type-mapped columns.
  6. Click Next to go to the next step in the wizard.
  7. Click Preview to preview a few entries from the view whose creation is in progress.
    This screen displays an additional column with the 'Mapped Column Name' at the end, as shown below.

Available type mappings

Type mapping(s)Description
AKD_ConfidenceScoreMaps a floating point number column to a prediction confidence score type of a column. Runs a validation of values to be between 0-1 when returning query results.Used to construct composite types for a prediction that consists of (class label, confidence score) for object classification and (class label, confidence score, bounding box) for object detection.
AKD_ClassLabelGTMaps a VARCHAR(string) column to a ground truth class label.Used to construct composite types for a prediction that consists of (class label, confidence score) for object classification and (class label, confidence score, bounding box) for object detection.
AKD_ClassLabelPredMaps a VARCHAR(string) column to a prediction class label.Used to construct composite types for a prediction that consists of (class label, confidence score) for object classification and (class label, confidence score, bounding box) for object detection.
AKD_ImageFileJPEG, AKD_ImageFilePNGMaps a VARCHAR(string) column type to a type that allows Data Explorer to infer that the string is a path to an image file name.No current usage. Provision for future enhancements.
Maps a VARCHAR(string) to a PCD formatted point cloud file path
Used to register point cloud files in the catalog and view these files in job visualization view.
Maps a VARCHAR(string) column type to a type that allows Data Explorer to infer that the string is a path to a point cloud(RADAR/LIDAR) file name.
No current usage. Provision for future enhancements.

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