A virtual column is a column whose values are computed during query execution using a chosen function applied over real columns in the catalog table.
The video below shows creating a view with virtual columns. The catalog table has a bounding box as a JSON string with 4 corner co-ordinates in the form of {"x_left":<>, "x_right":<>, "y_top":<>, "y_bottom":<>}.
The bounding box area is defined on a column of type bounding box.
The bounding box type required for the above definition is defined on the column that contains the bounding box coordinates as a JSON string.
Once the view is saved, the virtual column acts like any real column and is available as a column that can be used in query filter conditions like any other real column. For example, the gt_area column created in the above video can be used in query conditions like (gt_area > 0.5) to filter out rows with a bounding box that occupies more than 50% of the image.
A 2D bounding box defined by return type boundingbox2d
AKD_2DBoundingBox - Takes four individual coordinate columns with coordinate values normalized between 0 and 1.
AKD_2DBoundinBoxAbs - Takes four individual coordinate columns with absolute pixel values and an image height and width column.
AKD_2DBoundingBoxCOCOJSON - Takes a single column that holds bounding box in COCO bounding box format([x_left, y_top, box_width, box_height]) and image height and width columns.
AKD_2DBoundingBoxJSON - Takes a single column with a JSON string formatted bounding box coordinates normalized between 0 and 1. The JSON is in the {x_left:<>, x_right:<>, y_top:<>, y_bottom:<>} format.
A 2D object detection ground truth with class and bounding box.
2D Bounding box of type boundingbox2d specified using any supported input types described above.
A class label of type string or a mapped class type classlabelgt.
A 2D object detection prediction with class, bounding box, and prediction confidence.
Input set 1
2D Bounding box of type boundingbox2d specified using any supported input types described above.
A class label of type string or a mapped class type classlabelpred.
Prediction confidence of type float or double.
Input set 2
2D Bounding box of type boundingbox2d specified using any supported input types described above.
A column that is defined using classlabelwithconfidence type that combines class label and prediction confidence.
Area of a 2D bounding box
2D Bounding box of type boundingbox2d specified using any supported input types described above.
Virtual column types for segmentation
Type name
An instance segment represented by the type 'segment'.
A column with JSON that represents the segment in polygon format as [x1, y1, x2, y2,...] with (x1, y1), (x2, y2) etc being the vertex coordinates for polygon making up the segment.
mask_width and mask_height columns that represent the width and height of the image used to define the segment coordinates.
An instance segment with a ground truth.
A column of type 'segment'. Currently, AKD_SegmentJson above should be used to define a segment.
A column with a ground truth label.
An instance segment with a prediction.
Input set 1
A column of type 'segment'. Currently, AKD_SegmentJson above should be used to define a segment.
A class label of type string or a mapped class type classlabelpred.
Prediction confidence of type float or double.
Input set 2
A column of type 'segment'. Currently, AKD_SegmentJson above should be used to define a segment.
A column that is defined using classlabelwithconfidence type that combines class label and prediction confidence.
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