Global search
  • 07 Aug 2023
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Global search

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Article summary

The article Saved searches describes how you can iteratively refine a search query and save a search within a context of a job, A saved search captures a pattern/event of interest. Global search allows a saved search to be executed on more images beyond what is supported in the job context. This search runs as a background operation. Currently, the number of images supported for global search is twice the number of images supported in a job as per the subscription plan.

Creating a global search execution

  1. From the catalog page, run catalog query. The article on catalog page describes the procedure and capabilities to select a subset of images/frames. For global search, the 'Submit for Global search' must be selected from the drop-down shown below.
  2. Once the catalog results are available, click 'Search' to create a global search execution.
  3. Select a previously created global search from the list or click '+ Create New' to create a new global search from a search saved within the job.
  4. If creating a new search, then provide a name for the search and select a saved search(within a job context) to create the global search from. The images and bounding box annotations in the saved search will be copied to the newly created global search. The 'Select Saved Search' will provide a list of compatible saved searches based on the catalog table/view from where this flow was initiated.
  5. Click on 'Submit'. The newly created global search will be saved and shown as below with the image and the bounding box.
  6. Edit the 'Search Results size' and click 'Submit'. Provide a name to identify the global search execution being initiated.
  7. To view the status of the submitted global search execution, navigate to 'Global Search' on the left navigation panel.
  8. Once the global search execution is complete, click 'View Results'. 

View global search execution details

  1. Navigate to 'Data -> Curate -> Global Search' on the left navigation panel. The page displays a list of cards, with each card corresponding to one global search execution.
  2. The page provides different search, filtering and sorting operations to narrow down to the global search execution of interest.
  3. View details of a global search execution by clicking on the name of the search execution. When execution is in process, the progress is also available here in addition to being available on the card (update progress status by clicking the Refresh button next to the progress bar).
  4. The output of the global search execution is available as a resultset with 'Resultset Id' provided above. This resultset can be used for all resultset operations as described in Resultsets.

Global Search listing

To access the global searches against a dataset, follow the below steps.

  1. Navigate to 'Data -> Repos -> Datasets' on the left navigation panel.
  2. Go to dataset details page by clicking on the dataset name on the dataset card.

  3. On the dataset details page, go to 'Global Searches' section.
  4. Click on 'View Searches' to navigate to the executions of the global search.

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