Other enhancements
  • 03 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Other enhancements

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Article summary

This release includes the following miscellaneous enhancements.

  1. Kaggle RSNA Breast Cancer Detection available as a public dataset.
  2. Improvements in applying tunables and sampling in a compare job to ensure the sampling considers the proportionate distribution of points between the base job and the delta job.
  3. Usability enhancements in the 'Users' and 'Groups' pages.
  4. Improved patch featurizer.
  5. A 'Jobs' link has been added to the dataset card to access the jobs for a given dataset.
  6. Reverse the axes for prediction and ground truth in a confusion matrix to align with commonly followed conventions.
  7. Performance improvements in catalog refine operation in a data visualization job.

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