  • 21 Dec 2022
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Article summary

adectl update 1.0.38 (Bugfix) - November 8, 2022

  1. Bug fix for an issue where local mode setup with custom resource assignment will fail to process jobs.

Release 1.0.215 (Bugfix) - October 28, 2022

  1. Bug fix for patch search not being available post upgrade to 1.0.214 release
    A job on a dataset created before the 1.0.214 release (October 21, 2022) may not show the patch search-related UI controls when visualized after the 1.0.214 release. This update prevents future occurrences of the issue. For jobs created before the 1.0.214 release and visualized before this release, the workaround is to clone and create a new job.
  2. Bug fix for local mode setup failure reported since October 25, 2022.
  3. Bug fix for an issue where the jobs page may display cards to be misaligned for certain screen resolutions.

Release 1.0.214 - October 21, 2022

New features

  1. Sign-in through google-id: Use your google account for signup and signin.


  2. Data feature based similarity search for analyze jobs:  An analyze job has 2 sets of features, namely
    1. Model features - Derived by comparing the ground truth and predictions.
    2. Data features - Derived from the data(image/video frame)
      This product feature allows users to run similarity searches based on either of the above feature sets. As an example use case, the user can first search for images with similar model performance errors (i.e. mispredicted cars) and use the results to run a search for images that are visually similar to these images.


  3. Sampling frames when ingesting video dataset features: For video, featurizing every frame may not be desirable due to the similarity between successive frames. This feature allows the user to configure a frame rate at which the video file frame features are generated. This allows the larger duration of videos to fit into the per-job frame limits for explore, refine, analyze and compare operations.


  4. Support AWS Athena as an external catalog: This product feature allows connecting an AWS Athena data source to Data Explorer as an External catalog. This allows organizations that use AWS Athena to aggregate catalogs from different sources to connect this catalog to Data Explorer and perform data curation operations.

Minor enhancements

  1. User invitation enhancements 
    1. invite users to a role group without explicit role assignment.
    2. show the expiry time for invitations.
  2. Group page enhancements to list roles attached to a group.
  3. UI font changes and related style changes.
  4. Allow editing and saving a similarity search created in a different job.
  5. Show catalog attributes against the thumbnail for the Video dataset type.
  6. Enhancements to the catalog page
    1. Import jobs link from the catalog page.
    2. Hiding internal columns by default.
    3. Additional information in catalog view details.
    4. Enhancements in Create View flow.
  7. Support creation and visualization of a job when the adectl run is still in progress.
  8. Similarity search performance improvement.

Bug fixes

  1. adectl import features operation fails in certain cases for datasets with the featurizer type set to External.
  2. Fix for adectl run failure when run on a single directory with more than 5 million images.

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