Import public dataset
  • 24 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Import public dataset

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Article Summary

After logging in, you can import a public dataset to set up your playground for exploring different features provided by Data Explorer.

  1. Navigate to 'Datasets' on the left navigation panel and click on Datasets. 
  2. Click on 'Import public dataset' on the top right.
  3. A list of available public datasets will be presented as shown below.
  4. Click on the '+' button. 
  5. Read the terms and conditions and click 'Proceed' to start importing.
  6. The dataset will show an 'In Progress' status while the import is in progress.
  7. Wait for a few minutes and refresh the page. On successful completion of import, the 'In Progress' status will be cleared as below.
  8. Along with importing the dataset, a job is also created with all objects in the imported dataset. Click on the 'Jobs' button to list the jobs created. An exploration job and an object detection model analysis job are created for the VOC public dataset.
  9. Click the 'Visualize' button on the '-EXPLORE-' job.
  10. Click the 'Visualize' button on the '-ANALYZE-' job to analyze an inference model performance with interactive IOU and confidence threshold sliders, confusion matrix, PR curve, etc.

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