Create an empty catalog table
  • 22 Dec 2024
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Create an empty catalog table

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Article summary

The Quick Import catalog, which automatically infers column type and creates a table, is recommended for most common cases. This article describes creating an empty table for specific cases where the column type needs to be set explicitly.

This procedure involves creating a table with schema details that can be followed by importing the catalog in supported formats like CSV, COCO JSON etc. The table creation is needed only for the first import. The following CSV file is used to describe the process.


VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages/2011_000753.jpg,car,"{'x_left': 0.812666902937676, 'x_right': 0.9925274478643895, 'y_top': 0.5254668930645845, 'y_bottom': 0.9725518810661693}","","",""

Create table

  1. Navigate to Data > Repo > Datasets.

  2. Click the 3-dots icon on the dataset card corresponding to the dataset within which the table needs to be created.

  3.  Click Catalog > Create Table.

  4. Enter Table Name and Table Description.

  5. Enter the Column Name, Column Type, and Column Size.
    The Column Name must match the column names in the first (header) line of the CSV file. The Column Type should be a valid SQL type.

    You can add multiple columns by clicking the + (plus) icon.

  6. Click Submit after filling in all the column details.

You can now import catalog to this table.

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