  • 17 Jun 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Note: This option is not available for Customer User role.


Akridata software organizes Users into following categories,

    • Admin - A super user who registers and manages organization’s assets and creates other users. An admin can also create groups to group related users.
    • User - A user who can develop and run workflows (data pipelines) on edge execution platform and access and interact with the data produced by these workflows.
    • Operator - A user who uses Akridata mobile application to do logistic operations on the edge like inserting discs into ingest devices, removing disks from ingest devices, inserting and removing cartridges, etc.

Note: Admins and Users always have access to AkriManager whereas Operators can access AkriManager only if they are given permissions by the admin.

In this page the following fields are displayed.


The names of the users are displayed in this column.

To search a particular name,

  1. Enter the name of the user in the search field and click Enter on the keyboard.


The roles of the users are displayed in this column.

To search a particular user role,

  1. Enter the role of the user in the search field and click Enter on the keyboard.

User ID

The user IDs are displayed in this column.

To search a particular user ID,

  1. Enter the user ID in the search field and click Enter on the keyboard.

Phone Number

The phone numbers of the users are displayed in this column.

To search a particular phone number,

  1. Enter the phone number in the search field and click Enter on the keyboard.


This column displays the below options,

View User Details

To view user details, follow the below instructions:

  1. Clickicon in the Actions column. The user details are displayed.
  2. Click icon to close the User Details window and go back to Libraries>Users page.

Add User to Groups

To add users to groups, follow the below instructions:

  1. Clickicon in the Actions column. The Add User to Groups window opens.

    Add User to Groups
  2. Search the desired group from the Search field or select multiple groups by clicking the check boxes listed in the Choose Group field.
  3. Click Add To Groups button to add the user to the selected groups.
  4. Click icon to close the window and go back to Libraries>Users page.

Remove Users from Groups

To remove users from groups, follow the below instructions:

  1. Click icon in the Actions column.
    The Remove User from Groups window opens.
      Remove Users from Groups  
  2. Search the desired group from the Search field or select multiple groups by clicking the check boxes listed in the Choose Group field.
  3. Click the Select All checkbox to select all groups at once.
  4. Click Remove From Groups button to remove the users from the selected groups.
  5. Click icon to close the window and go back to the Libraries>Users page.

Editing a User

To edit a user, follow the below instructions:

  1. Click icon in the Actions column. The Edit User window opens.

    Edit User 
  2. Make the required changes to the fields listed.
  3. Click Update User to save the changes to AkriManager.
  4. Click icon to close the window and go back to Libraries>Users page.    

The Users page allows the user to View users, Add New users and Bulk upload users using a yaml file.

Soft Insert / Remove

Soft Insert / Remove

Upload Users

To upload users, follow the below instructions:

  1. Click button located on the top right corner of the screen.
    The Upload Users window opens.
    Upload Users 
  2. Click Browse and select a yaml file with user details.
  3. Click Start button to upload the users to AkriManager.

The uploaded users are displayed in the Users page.

  1. Click icon to close the window and go back to Libraries>Users page.

Add User

To add a user, follow the below instructions:

  1. Click button located on the top right corner of the screen. The Add User window opens.

    Add User
  2. Enter the mandatory information in the respective fields.
  3. Click Create User button to create the user and save to AkriManager. The details of the saved user are displayed in the Users page.
  4. Click icon to close the window and go back to Libraries>Users page.

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