Blob Lineage
  • 17 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Blob Lineage

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Article summary

This page displays the lineage of the blob from the time it was created.

Blob Lineage 

There are two ways to view the blob lineage, either by entering the blob ID in the search field or from Data Management.

To check the lineage from Data Management follow the below instructions,

  1. Click Data>Data Management.
  2. Click the job name(poprun_aws_1_10_0) from one of the tiers. Populate Details window opens.
    Populate Details 

  3. Click Lineage from the Populate Details window.
    Blob Lineage page is displayed.
    Blob Lineage

Following options and details are displayed in this page,

View Populate Job List

  1. Click View Populate Job List.  
    Populate Job List
    The populate job list is displayed which can be downloaded by clicking the Download button.
  2. Click icon to view more details.
  3. Click icon to close the window and return to Blob Lineage page.

Feature Details

The following details are displayed under this option,

    • Stream ID
    • Stream Type
    • Workflow ID
    • Deployment ID
    • Session ID


The disk group details for physical workflow groups and request ID for soft workflow groups are is shown here.


The media details for physical workflow groups and request ID for soft workflow groups are is shown here.

Edge Cluster

The cluster that executed the workflow to produce the blob is shown here.


1. Click Workflow to view details of the workflow. Following actions can be performed in this window,

View Yaml

1. Click icon to view Yaml details.

Filter Graphs

  1. Click Filter Graphs. Details of how the blob was processed from the source and the traverse is displayed in this page.     
    Filter Graphs

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