  • 17 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The dashboard provides an overall summary of the system. You can view data in the form of graphs and charts. You can click on the graphs and charts to get detailed information. You can select the time frame to display data in the dashboard, by default it is set to 30 days.


Full screen, zoom and reset zoom features are provided on the graph.

  1. To view the session in full screen mode, click icon from the top of the section.
  2. To zoom a particular area, click on zoom’ icon.
  3. To reset zoom click the zoom reset  icon.

The dashboard provides of the following information:

Physical Edge (Microsite) Session

A physical edge session refers to a workflow session that is event triggered on insertion of disk into JBOD. This dashboard panel shows daily statistics about physical edge sessions.

Physical Edge Sessions

  1. To view data summary of the session hover the mouse over the Physical Edge Session chart.
  2. To view Workflow Instancesclick on the below color options,
    1. - To view started sessions
    2. - To view failed sessions
    3. - To view completed sessions
    4. - To view aborted sessions
  3. To view Storage Usage click on options provided below the sessions. Refer figure 4.2 Physical Edge.

Soft Edge Session

A soft edge session refers to a workflow session that is triggered from Akrimanager UI or through an API and generally processes data from a location like S3 bucket, NFS mounted filesystem etc in contrast to a physical edge session that ingests data from a removable media.

Soft Edge Sessions 

  1. To view data summary of the session hover the mouse over the Soft Edge Session graph.
  2. Follow instruction 2 under 4.2 Physical Edge Session on Workflow Instances.

Storage in TB

The total storage usage over a date range is displayed in this panel. You can select a different number of days from the dropdown at the top right corner.


  1. To view data summary of the session hover the mouse over Storage in TB Session graph.
  2. To view Storage Usage click on options provided below the session. Refer figure 4.4.Storage in TB.

Populate Jobs


  1. To view all the sessions, click button. The status of each session is displayed below the View All button. 
  2. Click on the sessions to view more details. The Data Management screen opens. The completed sessions are displayed at the bottom.
  3. Use the scroll bar to view more completed sessions.
  4. To view details of each completed session click at the center of each session. The Data Management screen opens.

Workflow and workflow group instances

Workflow and Workflow Group Instances 

This option displays details of Workflow Instances (Physical and Soft Edge) and Workflow Group Instances with the default view showing links to those workflows with the highest number of instances.

  1. To view all the sessions under Workflow and Workflow Group, clickbutton.
  2. Click on the link against each workflow to view specific workflow instances.

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