Label job Result Set
  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Label job Result Set

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Article summary

Label job results for label specs indicate the accuracy of the data. Therefore, you can save the label job result as Result Sets and export the results into the required catalog.

This article describes how to create Result Sets from the label job results, irrespective of auto or manual.

Create Result Sets for label jobs

You can create Result Sets for the set of images under the label job for reference. You can choose to have separate Result Sets for images under Pending Review, Accepted, and Rejected options or a single Result Set for all images.

  1. In the label job page, click the +Resultset button.

  2. In the Result Set window, click Create new.
    You can also click Add to existing to add the results to an existing Result Set.

  3. Select the check box for Pending Review, Accepted, and Rejected, as needed.

  4. Enter name for the Result Set, and click Create.

    The results get saved under the ResultSet tab.

  5. View the Result Set you just created.

    1. In the label job page, click the RESULTSET tab located on the top bar

    2. Under Select a Resultset drop-down, select from the Result Sets you have created.

      The Result Set page displays all the images with corresponding labels saved under the selected set.

Other Result Set actions

The Result Set page provides various options to set up the results as needed.

Rename: Click this option to rename the Result Set.

Close: Click this option to close the Result Set page.

Delete: Click the Delete icon to delete the saved Result Set

Download: Click the Download icon to download the result set file in JSON, CSV or COCO format.

Publish: Click the Publish option to publish the Result Set to access the result set outside the job. This action cannot be undone.

Export to catalog: Click this option to export the Result Set to a catalog.

Expand image: Click on an image and select the expand button to view the image in a separate window with the label job details.

Export Result Set to Catalog

Once you have created and saved a Result Set for the labeling job, you can export it to the catalog and view details of the exported data in a tabular format.

  1. On the label job page that is displaying the saved Result Set, click the Export to catalog button.

  2. In the Export to catalog window, select the table.
    You can click Create Table to create a new table if needed.

  3. Specify the parameters for each field displayed for the selected table, as shown.

  4. Click Export.
    Once the export is complete, you can view the exported table by navigating to the respective dataset.

  5. View the exported results on the dataset catalog page.

    1. In the left navigation pane, navigate to Repo > Dataset.

    2. Locate the dataset card for which the label job is created, and click Catalog.

    3. Click all_pipeline_tables to open the Edit Query window, select the table to which you have exported the Result Set.

    4. Click Next and Submit the query.
      The catalog page table displays details of the exported Result Set.

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