Docker repositories
  • 15 Feb 2023
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Docker repositories

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Article summary

Register a docker repository

  1. The pre-requisites for registration of a docker repository are
    1. A docker repository URL pointing to a docker repository in DockerHub or AWS ECR(Elastic Container Registry).
    2. If the docker repository needs credentials to pull images, then a Secret must be registered on the Secrets page. The type of secret needed for DockerHub hosted repo is 'Basic Auth', and that for AWS ECR is 'AWS'.
  2. Navigate to the docker repositories page under 'Data->Process->Docker Repos' on the left navigation panel. Click on the 'Register' button highlighted below.
  3. Fill in the details in the following form.
    1. Name: Enter an identifiable name to the docker repository.
    2. Repository URL: Enter the repository's URL that is typically in the form of Dockerhub type of repository) and <account>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo> for AWS Elastic Container Registry(ECR) type of repo.
    3. Repository type: Depending on where the repository is hosted, select from a drop-down that consists of 'Dockerhub' and 'AWS ECR'
    4. Access type: If the docker repository is hosted without any credentials setup, then select 'Public'. If the docker repository is hosted with credentials setup, select 'Private' and select a registered Secret Key.
  4. Click on the 'Save' button. 
  5. On successful registration, the docker repository will be listed on the Docker Repos page as below.

Edit docker repository details

  1. Click on the 'Edit' button on the card corresponding to the docker repository that needs to be edited.
  2. Update the fields in the edit form shown below. Only the name, access type and secret are allowed to be edited.
  3. Click on the 'Save' button.

Unregister a docker repository 

An unregistered repository cannot have its docker image registered on Data Explorer. The deregistration is a step towards deprecating/retiring a docker repository. In future releases, additional support to fully delete a docker repository will be provided. To unregister a docker repository, 

  1. Click on the 'Unregister' button on the card corresponding to the docker repository to be unregistered.
  2. Confirm Unregister operation on the following confirmation dialog box.

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