Develop a docker image(thumbnail generator)
  • 15 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Develop a docker image(thumbnail generator)

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Article summary

As described in Pipelines and dockers, there are four types of docker images, namely the Image preprocessor, featurizer, thumbnail generator and attribute generator. This article describes the general process for developing a docker image using a thumbnail generator as an example. The rest of the articles detail the interface specification for other types of dockers and the fields required for registering other types of dockers.

Interface specification

Input locationThe input images are presented at location /input/i1, with multiple images(1000+) presented at this location.
Output locationThe docker is expected to produce thumbnails at /output/o1. There should be 1 thumbnail file generated per input file in /input/i1, and the name of the output file must exactly match the name of the input file path relative to the input location. For e.g. If the input file is at /input/i1/dir1/a.jpg, then the output thumbnail must be produced at /output/o1/dir1/a.jpg.
Output formatCommon formats like PNG and JPG are recommended. Irrespective of the output format, the filename must exactly match the filename of the input file.
Other details
  • The aspect ratio of the thumbnail should preferably match that of the input image.
  • The resolution of the thumbnail should be sufficient to provide good visual clarity on the UI. The default provided thumbnail generator produces thumbnails at a resolution of 192x108 pixels.
  • The thumbnail size should preferably be limited to under 20KB per thumbnail.

Sample program

Based on the above specification, a sample implementation(in Python) is provided below. This program does the following.

  1. Reads files from /input/i1
  2. For each file, extracts the filename from the path and write out a thumbnail with the exact same filename preserving the path relative to /input/i1.
import os

from PIL import Image, ImageFile, UnidentifiedImageError

SOURCE_DIR = '/input/i1'
DEST_DIR = '/output/o1'

def get_input_files():
    file_list = []
    for root, _, files in os.walk(SOURCE_DIR):
        for filename in files:
            file_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
    return file_list

def generate_thumbnail_and_save(fname, width, height):
        with as img:
            img.thumbnail((width, height), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
            # Extract filename and save thumbnail with same filename
            dest_path = os.path.join(DEST_DIR, fname[len(SOURCE_DIR) + 1:])
            path_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)
            if not os.path.exists(path_dir):
            img.convert('RGB').save(dest_path, format="JPEG", quality=95)
    except UnidentifiedImageError as ex:
        print("Unknown Image format {}".format(fname))
        raise ex
    except Exception as ex:
        print("Failed to generate thumbnail for {}".format(fname))
        raise ex

def main():
    input_files = get_input_files()
    # Throw error if input is empty
    if len(input_files) == 0:
        print("Input file list to create thumbnail is empty")
        raise ValueError("Input file list to create thumbnail is empty")

    for f in input_files:
        generate_thumbnail_and_save(f, OUTPUT_WIDTH, OUTPUT_HEIGHT)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if not os.path.exists(DEST_DIR):

Packaging into a docker

Below is a sample Dockerfile to build docker with the above Python program and necessary dependencies. The Dockerfile assumes the above Python program is stored as cmds/ relative to where this build is being done and copies the file into /opt/akridata/ within the docker.

FROM python:3.8-slim-buster

RUN python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip==21.2.4 pillow==9.0.1
RUN mkdir /opt/akridata/
COPY cmds/ /opt/akridata/

With the above stored as Dockerfile, the docker image can be built using the following command.

docker build -t thumbnail_generator:latest .

The docker can be tested using a sample command as below. The test assumes one or more input images are stored in /tmp/i1. The -v option mounts /tmp/i1 at /input/i1 within the docker and /tmp/o1 at /output/o1 within the docker. At the end of a successful run, the output thumbnails are expected to be present in /tmp/o1 with the same file names as the files in /tmp/i1.

docker run -v /tmp/i1:/input/i1 -v /tmp/o1:/output/o1 thumbnail_generator:latest python3 /opt/akridata/

Upload docker to a registry(docker repository)

The docker image must be uploaded to the registry using the docker push command. Please refer to Publish-docker-image for more details.

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